KJ John | Isma’s poor science and bad theology Isma, or those whom, in my state…

KJ John | Isma’s poor science and bad theology

Isma, or those whom, in my state of total disapproval, I purposefully call ‘the Islamic State Malaysia,’ are demonstrating poor science and bad theology from their worldview and consequential non-rational arguments. Their actual name or formal nomenclature is Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia or IMM but are called Isma for short.

But maybe, much like with Umno, their English acronym may in the longer term become a linguistically Malay ‘word’ and may mean ‘the application of poor science and bad theology’, as is currently already being propounded by the madmen of Syria and Iraq. They, too, did it in the name of their religion. They are not like any Muslim I have known for more than 60 years.

Isma made the Malay Mail headlines on Oct 1, 2014, with their lead story: ‘DAP will not bring you closer to Islamic Justice, says Isma to ‘confused’ Muslim recruit’. The story attracted my attention and I therefore read it with a keen eye reviewing their clarity of arguments with two sets of ideals; rational, objective scientific logic or cause and effect, and the explication of Islamic theology.

Full story: http://www.malaysiakini.com/columns/276754

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