EXCLUSIVE | More than half a year after the government received the royal commis…

EXCLUSIVE | More than half a year after the government received the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) report on immigrants in Sabah, Putrajaya is finally set to release the document tomorrow: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/282307

The delay comes as no surprise after the nine month-long RCI hearing last year gave a controversial glimpse of the political machinations in Sabah which permanently altered the state's demography.

Throughout the hearing, public attention centred on the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants and the alleged covert operations by the government to grant "instant citizenship" in exchange for votes.

Political opponents are likely to declare the report a vindication of their long-time claim about BN's sin against the people of Sabah.

As controversial as the content may be, the toughest part for Putrajaya is not what happened in the past – which many Sabahans have long suspected – but what comes next.

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