
'Draw up guidelines on strays'

PETALING JAYA: Both the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Ministry and state governments must together come up with the necessary guidelines for enforcement officers when rounding up stray animals. “They must follow proper procedure and not inflict any cruelty on animals,” said Society f …

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12 dead in assault on Pakistan's Karachi airport

Karachi – Heavily armed militants attacked Pakistan’s busiest airport in the southern city of Karachi Sunday night, killing at least six people as flights were suspended and the army was called in, officials said. Some six militants have also been killed in the assault as gunfire continu …

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One big home for the destitute

KUALA LUMPUR: There is literally no roof over their heads but home is where the heart is. Take for example Awang Dollah, 44, who sleeps on the sidewalks near Medan Pasar square here. “I am happy here. There is no reason for me to go home,” he said. Awang, who is a Sarawakian, said that he had been h …

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Power of (mis)perception

TWO incidents, which took place over the past one week, have really troubled me. These are real incidents that this writer has experienced up close and personal. They are a strong reminder about the power of perceptive reality, and how the actions of a few can have more far-reaching ramifications th …

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What's in a title?

Sometime last week, a parliamentary colleague from PKR suggested that all elected representatives should stop the practice of addressing each other as YB or Yang Berhormat outside the legislative chambers and to ask the general public to do the same. Is this a reasonable or even a practical request? …

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