Tuesday, 10 September 2013 admin-s
We may yet to see bloodshed (thanks to rakyat tolerance) but for how long we do not know. Its up to the leaders how far they are willing to push the envelope.
Richard Loh
‘Hunger Game’ and ‘The Colony’ reflect how far human will go to kill each other in order to stay alive. The movies though made via ‘creative license’ are not far from reality the way we see some leaders are willing to go in order to stay in power. Let us not look far to the Middle East but at our own backyard.We may yet to see bloodshed (thanks to rakyat tolerance) but for how long we do not know. Its up to the leaders how far they are willing to push the envelope.
Do you think that they do not know they are playing with fire?
Do you think that they do not know they are manipulating the people’s mind?
Do you think that they do not know there are big time corruptions among them?
Do you think that they do not know they are playing the racial and religious cards?
Do you think that they do not know they are being unfair, suppressing the minorities?
Do you think that they do not know they are not concern over the human rights?
Do you think that they do not know our education system is in such a bad shape?
Read more at: http://www.ousel.blogspot.com/2013/09/are-you-that-naive-to-believe-they-do.html
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