The upcoming goods and services tax (or GST) has Tiger’s tail tangled in knots. First, she was informed that GST would be charged on her credit card annual fee. Now it is set in stone that banks will also charge GST. Is this the end, she wonders?
Tigers are frugal members of the animal kingdom. They waste no food; after a meal, all kills are stashed away carefully for a later meal and water is used sparingly. Except when it comes to naps, the longer the snooze time, the better!
Sadly, Tiger foresees fewer naps and more work in the near future thanks to the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST). With the cost of living expected to go up for Tigers and humans alike, Tiger predicts she’ll have to work twice as hard so she can catch the occasional nap.
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Come GST, time to stash cash under our pillows?
KINIBIZ Now it is set in stone that banks will also charge GST.
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