The Friday sermon issued by the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) has warne…

The Friday sermon issued by the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) has warned Muslim families of the spread of “secular humanism ideology”, which champions gay issues.

The sermon titled “Cabaran Pembentukan Keluarga Abad Milenium” (Challenges to moulding the family in the new millenium), warned of the spread of liberalism and “excessive freedom culture” without regard to public interest and religious concerns.

It said liberal ideology supports the spread of the practice and thinking of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT).

“We would like to stress that the gender identity disorder is hurting the Islamic image and inviting calamity from Allah.

“Look at what happened to the Sodom and Gomorrah, two countries which is close to the Dead Sea, near Jordan where calamity fell to the community, as a result of its failure to practise Islamic teaching."

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