Susan Loone | Come, let us all be seditious! Let me start by saying “If writing…

Susan Loone | Come, let us all be seditious!

Let me start by saying “If writing the truth, asking questions, taking a minister to task or making a powerful figure accountable is seditious, then lets all be seditious!”

I say this as one who has been detained under the Sedition Act 1948, the first in my profession to be threatened with this archaic law left by our British colonial masters.

And what an irony because it happened only days after the country celebrated 57 years of independence from Britain.

It was also the time when the police crackdown on at least 20 individuals, from opposition politicians, academicians, activists, students, preachers and lawyers under the same Act.

I know I am not alone. Journalists all over the world are being prosecuted for the work they do, some are killed, or maimed, thrown in jail, tortured, harassed, abused and threatened with death.

On Sept 4, I became an 'orang kena tangkap’, code-named OKT or loosely translated 'A detainee'. I was interrogated for nine hours over a report headlined: Exco man grilled for four hours, treated like a ‘criminal'.

Full story:

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