Petaling Jaya Utara Tony Pua is being investigated under the Sedition Act for his angry tweet lambasting the police after the arrest of Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar.
Pua was seen with his counsels Puchong MP Gobind Singh, Serdang MP Lim Lip Eng and Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching, after having his statement recorded at Bukit Aman police headquarters.
The entire process took 45 minutes and Pua was then free to leave.
"He is being investigated under the Sedition Act, and since the police did not detain or arrest him, the investigation is still under way," Gobind told reporters.
Full story:
Tony Pua probed for sedition over 'royal' rant
The MP explains it has nothing to do with the Malay rulers as the IGP suspects.
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