'Why Muhyiddin didn't tell Obama to shut up?' If the DPM can't take criticism, then he also shouldn't accept praise, says Kit Siang. 'Why Muhyiddin didn't tell Obama to shut up?'
Read More »MACC: Politicising graft keeps M'sia low on CPI MACC says politicising everythi…
MACC: Politicising graft keeps M'sia low on CPI MACC says politicising everything just creates a negative perception. MACC: Politicising graft keeps M'sia low on CPI
Read More »Punish discrimination of the disable, group says Persons With Disabilities Act…
Punish discrimination of the disable, group says Persons With Disabilities Act 2008 should be amended to punish discrimination. Punish discrimination of the disable, group says
Read More »Umno MP: Why foreigner as MAS CEO? 'Will Mueller know the impact of his decisio…
Umno MP: Why foreigner as MAS CEO? 'Will Mueller know the impact of his decisions on the bumiputera agenda?' Umno MP: Why foreigner as MAS CEO?
Read More »Hadi's 'pil kuda' verdict set for Dec 15 He wants to set aside ruling on his re…
Hadi's 'pil kuda' verdict set for Dec 15 He wants to set aside ruling on his remark that PKR candidates are drug dealers. Hadi's 'pil kuda' verdict set for Dec 15
Read More »Nancy: We don't need lectures from the US The minister tells the US veep and am…
Nancy: We don't need lectures from the US The minister tells the US veep and ambassador to butt out on Sedition Act. Nancy: We don't need lectures from the US
Read More »'Home minister, focus on those behind Project IC' MP Gooi Hsiao Leong says this…
'Home minister, focus on those behind Project IC' MP Gooi Hsiao Leong says this is more vital than introducing more SOPs. 'Home minister, focus on those behind Project IC'
Read More »BSM wants S'gor's apology over bible stamp BSM says it is an act of descration…
BSM wants S'gor's apology over bible stamp BSM says it is an act of descration and the books can now only be musuem pieces. BSM wants S'gor's apology over bible stamp
Read More »Gov't vs industry tug of war over pricier medicine Pharmacists say price of med…
Gov't vs industry tug of war over pricier medicine Pharmacists say price of meds will rise up to 50 percent with GST, gov't says no. Gov't vs industry tug of war over pricier medicine
Read More »Umno threatens sack after quarrel over cows Damansara Dalam members threaten to…
Umno threatens sack after quarrel over cows Damansara Dalam members threaten to quit but Umno S'gor's ready to sack them. Umno threatens sack after quarrel over cows
Read More »PAS: MACC must act on 'judicial meddling' case A judge recused himself citing a…
PAS: MACC must act on 'judicial meddling' case A judge recused himself citing attempted interference by a senior lawyer. PAS: MACC must act on 'judicial meddling' case
Read More »Gov't to cancel Alvin Tan's passport Zahid says the fugitive sex blogger may lo…
Gov't to cancel Alvin Tan's passport Zahid says the fugitive sex blogger may lose his passport as early as Monday. Gov't to cancel Alvin Tan's passport
Read More »'Najib fooled rakyat once, can do it again' DAP asks how can PM be trusted afte…
'Najib fooled rakyat once, can do it again' DAP asks how can PM be trusted after he went back on word to abolish Sedition Act. 'Najib fooled rakyat once, can do it again'
Read More »Azmin puts foot down on stamped BSM bibles Don't drag the issue further, the MB…
Azmin puts foot down on stamped BSM bibles Don't drag the issue further, the MB tells the press today after a Christmas function. Azmin puts foot down on stamped BSM bibles
Read More »Dr M, who are the 'we' who reject Anwar? COMMENT Was former PM speaking on beha…
Dr M, who are the 'we' who reject Anwar? COMMENT Was former PM speaking on behalf of Umno and BN or M'sians? Dr M, who are the 'we' who reject Anwar?
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