YOURSAY | How are the police co-existing with Pekida?: ‘A developed nation might have been possible once. A civilised nation was never possible.’ Full story: [FREE] How are the police co-existing with Pekida?www.malaysiakini.comFREE YOURSAY ‘A developed nation …
Read More »Gobind Singh Deo said that the top brass must take the fire for the wrongs of th…
Gobind Singh Deo said that the top brass must take the fire for the wrongs of the lower ranks. He said that to do this, laws must be enacted in order to make officers in charge of police stations and investigating officers liable criminally for hurt caused and deaths in their custody. Full story: ht …
Read More »PM to unveil game plan on falling oil prices New measures will be announced tom…
PM to unveil game plan on falling oil prices New measures will be announced tomorrow, says Najib amid flak. PM to unveil game plan on falling oil prices Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »Dummies guide to Pekida, in 14 questions An FAQ on the shadowy network, based o…
Dummies guide to Pekida, in 14 questions An FAQ on the shadowy network, based on recently published field research. Dummies guide to Pekida, in 14 questions Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »Daim a casualty of Najib-Dr M proxy war FREE YOURSAY ‘But whoever controls the…
Daim a casualty of Najib-Dr M proxy war FREE YOURSAY ‘But whoever controls the media will win the war.’ Daim a casualty of Najib-Dr M proxy war Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »Perkasa is public enemy No 1, just ignore them FREE YOURSAY ‘Perkasa’s fear is…
Perkasa is public enemy No 1, just ignore them FREE YOURSAY ‘Perkasa’s fear is real because they are weak in their religion.’ Perkasa is public enemy No 1, just ignore them Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »Pakatan leadership meeting still up in the air They may meet by month end or Fe…
Pakatan leadership meeting still up in the air They may meet by month end or February, says a tentative Anwar. Pakatan leadership meeting still up in the air Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »'Don't mess with Malacca' not copycat campaign Malacca CM rubbishes claims it’s…
'Don't mess with Malacca' not copycat campaign Malacca CM rubbishes claims it’s based on cleanliness campaign by US state Texas. 'Don't mess with Malacca' not copycat campaign Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »What's the big secret, Kit Siang asks cabinet The DAP leader wants the cabinet…
What's the big secret, Kit Siang asks cabinet The DAP leader wants the cabinet to clarify on Phua's 'national security' projects. What's the big secret, Kit Siang asks cabinet Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »Punches and a kick at KFC outlet A video of staff fighting among themselves goe…
Punches and a kick at KFC outlet A video of staff fighting among themselves goes viral on the internet. Punches and a kick at KFC outlet Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »PAS MP: Abuses not excuse to curb free speech Mujahid Yusof Rawa says limiting…
PAS MP: Abuses not excuse to curb free speech Mujahid Yusof Rawa says limiting it because some have exploited it, isn't answer. PAS MP: Abuses not excuse to curb free speech Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »Several areas in Sarawak hit by floods This is due to rain in last two days, fa…
Several areas in Sarawak hit by floods This is due to rain in last two days, families being moved to evacuation centres. Several areas in Sarawak hit by floods Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »'MACC always probes reports on illegal logging' Its chief, Abu Kassim Mohamed,…
'MACC always probes reports on illegal logging' Its chief, Abu Kassim Mohamed, added they had several means of investigation. 'MACC always probes reports on illegal logging' Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »DAP MP hails Ku Nan as role model for ministers The FT minister had slammed Per…
DAP MP hails Ku Nan as role model for ministers The FT minister had slammed Perkasa for querying building of a Hindu temple. DAP MP hails Ku Nan as role model for ministers Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »Anwar: I'll give proof about Daim to MACC He says he is willing to cooperate if…
Anwar: I'll give proof about Daim to MACC He says he is willing to cooperate if the MACC decides to probe the ex-finance minister. Anwar: I'll give proof about Daim to MACC Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
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