Gov't too surprised by content of bill – He says this when asked about the controversial Sedition Act amendments. Gov't too surprised by contents of billwww.malaysiakini.comHe says this when asked about the controversial Sedition Act amendments. Malaysiakini’ …
Read More »“At the end of the day, in practice, it’s all there to be abused by the powers t…
“At the end of the day, in practice, it’s all there to be abused by the powers that be if they want to abuse it. This is, in essence, the return of the ISA.” Pota likened to Internal Security Act 2.0www.malaysiakini.comWhile the PCA is the EO reincarnated, says law expert Syahredz …
Read More »“In this light, there is something disconcerting when the police authorities say…
“In this light, there is something disconcerting when the police authorities say they have zero tolerance for sedition, or words to that effect. This really begs the question: what is sedition, anyway?” Ariff asked. 'Voices of moderation must occupy M'sia'www.malays …
Read More »After all, the former premier, who is often described as a megalomaniac, cannot…
After all, the former premier, who is often described as a megalomaniac, cannot seem to find a successor who could live up to his expectations. So he might as well contest either in the upcoming Permatang Pauh or Rompin by-elections and make a comeback. Failing which, Mahathir should consider joinin …
Read More »Surrounded by a failure of politics, we need to take courage and support one ano…
Surrounded by a failure of politics, we need to take courage and support one another in continuing to speak out, even as more and more forces try to shut us up. Sedition Act is the new ISAwww.malaysiakini.comCOMMENT The Internal Security Act has all but been resurrected. Malaysiak …
Read More »Najib seals lips on Dr M's attacks – He puts up his hand when Mahathir's name po…
Najib seals lips on Dr M's attacks – He puts up his hand when Mahathir's name pops up in a question. Najib seals lips on Dr M's attackswww.malaysiakini.comHe puts up his hand when Mahathir's name pops up in a question. Malaysiakini’s Facebook Wall
Read More »A research institute based in Kuala Lumpur has concluded that "poor management a…
A research institute based in Kuala Lumpur has concluded that "poor management at the top" may be the root cause of financial stress and poor quality outcomes affecting Malaysian private varsities. ‘Top people at local private unis lack experience'www.malaysiakini.c …
Read More »Video | KiniTV: It would seem that not all of BN’s lawmakers are on the same pag…
Video | KiniTV: It would seem that not all of BN’s lawmakers are on the same page with regards to amendments to the Sedition Act that which Putrajaya tabled this week at the Dewan Rakyat. Bung Mokhtar: Sedition Act powers too wide-rangingwww.kinitv.comKiniNews: It would seem that not all of BN’s law …
Read More »It would seem that not all of BN’s lawmakers are on the same page with regards t…
It would seem that not all of BN’s lawmakers are on the same page with regards to amendments to the Sedition Act that which Putrajaya tabled this week at the Dewan Rakyat. Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokhtar Radin believes the amendment bill needs to be fine-tuned as in the current form it gave the Act pow …
Read More »Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli has urged the government to explain six BMW cars found be…
Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli has urged the government to explain six BMW cars found bearing the national emblem of Malaysia instead of a registration number. 'Explain six BMWs with emblem instead of number'www.malaysiakini.comPandan MP Rafizi Ramli urges the government to just …
Read More »Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) are filing police reports nationwide, urgin…
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) are filing police reports nationwide, urging for an investigation against Dr Mahathir Mohamad under the Sedition Act. Police reports being lodged nationwide on Dr Mwww.malaysiakini.comSAMM coordinator says he faced action under the Sedition Act …
Read More »Raft of disturbing new legislation looks to curb freedom of expression, give mor…
Raft of disturbing new legislation looks to curb freedom of expression, give more powers to the police and prosecution and remove oversight of a govt fund. Disturbing slew of legislative changeswww.kinibiz.comA raft of amendments to laws and new legislation in the current session of Parliament threa …
Read More »The recently passed Prevention of Terrorism Bill (Pota) has been dubbed the Inte…
The recently passed Prevention of Terrorism Bill (Pota) has been dubbed the Internal Security Act (ISA) 2.0 due to its provision of detention without trial. This provision therefore links the now-defunct ISA, the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 (PCA) and Pota. A person can be detained for up to two yea …
Read More »YOURSAY | Muslim or not, leave the boy alone: ‘There is nothing complicated abou…
YOURSAY | Muslim or not, leave the boy alone: ‘There is nothing complicated about it. Let the father decide…’ Full story: [FREE] Muslim or not, leave the boy alonewww.malaysiakini.comFREE YOURSAY ‘There is nothing complicated about it. Let the father dec …
Read More »All that cloud of uncertainty over Malaysia simply cannot be good for the countr…
All that cloud of uncertainty over Malaysia simply cannot be good for the country. People must be given the space to express all legitimate opinions without fear of retribution and threats. That is the essence of democracy. And a democratic government must be ultimately accountable to the people. Th …
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