Ococo 将马来西亚和泰国街头美食带到明尼阿波利斯市中心

Ococo 将马来西亚和泰国街头美食带到明尼阿波利斯市中心

Thai and Malaysian street food will soon be served in downtown Minneapolis.

Ococo is a new quick-service restaurant slated for the 811 Lasalle building in the former Pad Ga Pow space on the skyway level. Abby Sia is opening the restaurant and said she and her landlord, Ben Krsnak of Hempel Real Estate, are similarly optimistic about the future of downtown Minneapolis and the broader Twin Cities.

Hempel Real Estate 拥有拉萨尔 811 号的一部分。


她与她的朋友兼商业伙伴 Eve Tha-uea 一起开设了这家店。 Sia 在马来西亚长大,Tha-uea 在泰国长大。 “我们只是想把从小到大吃过的东西 [to Minneapolis] 以一种健康且……的方式


About Malaysia

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