Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said the government has identified the forms of insults based on reports by State Islamic Religious Councils and the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim).
He however did not state how many cases of insults were attributed to such teachings.
“This (Insulting Islam) is the result of a string of views that perceive Islam in a liberal, plural sense and the teachings which see religion as an individual’s right which has no relation to other parties.
“These groups failed to understand and see that the provision of the Constitution agreed upon since independence which puts Islam not only as the official religion but also as the Federal religion,” he said.
Jamil Khir was replying to a supplementary question by Senator Datuk Dr Johari Mat who wanted to know the most prevalent forms of insult against Islam taking place intentionally and unintentionally now.
He said the government took a serious view of the matter and was working closely with State Islamic Religious Councils and the State Islamic Religious Department to monitor and take the appropriate actions.