Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Hasan Malek wants Malaysian…

Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Hasan Malek wants Malaysians to change their culture from protesting to being respectful and grateful.

Responding to a query if he anticipates protests over the hike in fuel prices, he said it is the people's right to do so but stressed that the increase is to ensure the nation's coffers are not depleted.

Therefore, Hassan said there is a need to "revert our culture", where people should congregate to congratulate the government when it executed a commendable move.

"Our culture must be reverted to the culture of respecting leaders, respecting the nation and to be grateful for our success," he told reporters.

"How nice it is to have the Indians, Chinese and Malays all around…," he added, stopping midway of his sentence due to another question being fielded.

Earlier, Hassan defended the 20 sen increase for RON95 petrol and diesel as "minimal"(

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