KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 1 (Bernama) — The demand on leadership going forward will be immense and requires tremendous energy that needs to be sustainable, Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz said.
She said leadership had become even more important in the current and future environment than before, as the global economic and financial environment in the recent two decades, had dramatically transformed to become more interconnected, complex and competitive.
The governor said the world had also become more unstable and less predictable with frequent shocks and crises that requires effective management by leaders.
“These challenges transcend corporations, nations and cuts across industries, institutions and jurisdictions,” she said at the International Center for Leadership in Finance (ICLIF) Leadership Energy Summit Asia 2014 here Wednesday.
She said to survive and thrive, the challenges demanded a new generation of leadership which is forward thinking and able to succeed in bringing teams, organisations and countries to new successes, new frontiers and having the ability to sustain their performance even in a more challenging environment.
According to Zeti, a further phenomenon that has intensified the demand for the new generation of leadership, is the trend towards the relentless pursuit of instant results and the attainment of short-term goals.
She said additionally, the complexities of the world had also had the unintended effect of focusing on immediate challenges and problems.
“However, the world needs leaders who offer a compelling vision with ambitious goals, where the outcomes will genuinely add value and make a difference, with results that are sustainable.
“In this new environment of increased interconnectivity and inter-linkages, the role of leaders is also about galvanising and bringing together highly diverse entities, while providing solutions to problems that have multi-facetted dimensions and managing diverse relationships that are often conflicting,” she added.
She said while the problem is not new, the intensity and scale of the interconnectedness of business and the goals that need to be achieved has changed.
Zeti said the energy of leadership begins with having great clarity of the vision, a great sense of purpose of the objective that needs to be achieved and results that need to be delivered.
“It also involves mobilising energies of the organisation to be aligned to achieving these results.
“It is having the ability to generate and ride on the positive cycle of leadership energy,” she added.
She said that the actions pursued towards achieving the outcome and in the achievement of the desired outcome, generated a second round of energy burst from others in the group or organisation, creating a continuous positive energy loop which provided continuous motivation and momentum that can drive the organisation.
The two-day summit, beginning today, will see inspirational leaders and prominent scientists exploring leadership energy from the combined fields of neuroscience, quantum physics, management psychology and spiritual philosophy. Among the prominent speakers featured at the summit are US electronic giant Apple Inc co-founder, Steve Wozniak and South Africa’s winning rugby World Cup star, Francois Pienaar.