KJ John | Is Dr M nyanyuk or inconsistent?
After Dr Mahathir Mohamad became prime minister and articulated his Vision 2020 ambition, I became a great fan of the then-PM’s vision. I was enthralled by the Bangsa Malaysia challenge he articulated with the corresponding nine challenges. Actually, way back in 1971, I had articulated another version of that same idea in my undergraduate thesis – that we need 100 new Royal Military Colleges (RMCs) to really achieve national unity.
He then went on to speak and articulate all the right ideas, as would any statesman. But, after about seven or eight years; such ambition and vision were stilled. Why? All statesmen look towards the next generation, whereas ordinary and pragmatic politicians look only towards the next election.
Read more here: http://www.malaysiakini.com/columns/271317
Is Dr M nyanyuk or inconsistent?
We need a global civic ethic about morality, life.